I/We apologise for the absence of photographs to make this entry more interesting which is why i am going to compensate with vids and a whole lot of nonsensical remarks.
Anyways in the wake of valentines, a lot of people's soul have picked up and vacated on emerge. Nonetheless, there were comendable improvements especially for some items like.. Jing Wu Men
if anyone thinks they're no good now, you should look at them when they had their very first lesson infront of the glass walls at SDE with extra people sitting down and laughing away at their lack of psychomotor coordination although their own abilities to dance is quite dubious.
There's a lot of behind the scenes action during dance practices. There was the time when the JWM troupe comically try to learn the body wave but ended up looking like a noob body contortionist. There were multiple incidences of when they exasperate Gaby-our dance guru- by reinventing the moves which, turn out to be like OMGWTFBBQ. Things are very different now because these boys have improved leaps and bounds.
During vocal prac, we see project director keeonn's face change like the sunny weather turning grey. Marcus logistics running up and down like a dog. Or one of our very very adorable members running into the glass doors. =X
The logic goes that we're all preparing for a concert for people who will be, quote gaby, "watching with untainted eyes" therefore, they dont giva shit about how far we've come. Moral of the story, attend dance and vocal camp.
Everyone has put in their effort. Some has put in infinitely more effort for emerge. Who else but the committee. Thank you =)
Of course, we're still making improvements all the time. Everyone, GAMBATE!!!
4 Days to Emerge 2009
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